Daily catholic prayers

These daily catholic prayers keep your mind focused on God.

A Morning Prayer

Good morning Dear Lord,
I come to do Your will.
May everything I say and do this day please You.
Jesus I love You and I thank You for dying on the cross for me.
Please be my strength, for You know my weakness.
Through the most pure heart of Mary I offer to You all my works, joys, sorrows and sufferings of this day. Amen

A Dedication for the Day

Father, I dedicate this new day to you;
as I go about my work.
I ask you to bless those with whom I come in contact.

Lord, I pray for all men and women
who work to earn their living;
Give them satisfaction in what they do.

Spirit of God,
comfort the unemployed and their families;
they are your children and my brothers and sisters.
I ask you to help them find work soon.

(St. Ignatius of Loyola)

Thanks Before Meals (Grace)

Bless us Lord and make us truly thankful for the food that we are about to eat.
May we be always mindful of those who are in need.
We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen

An Evening Prayer

My Lord, my Savior, my Friend, I thank You for helping me this day.
I am sorry for the many times that I did not follow Your commandments.
As I lay my body down to rest, send Your Holy Spirit to give me a new heart, so that tomorrow I can better love and serve You. Amen

Prayer at the Close of Day

Guide us waking, O Lord,
and guard us sleeping;
that awake we may watch with Christ,
and asleep we may rest in peace.

Freedom Prayer

I ask for the Grace to believe
in what I could be and do
if only I allowed God, my loving Creator
to continue to create me and guide me.

(Saint Francis)

Prayer to my Guardian Angel

Angel of God,
my guardian dear,
To whom God's love
commits me here,
Ever this day (night),
be at my side,
To light and guard,
Rule and guide.

Sucipe (Take)

Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty,
my memory, my understanding
and my entire will,
All I have and call my own.

You have given all to me.
To you, Lord, I return it.

Everything is yours; do with it what you will.
Give me only your love and your grace.
That is enough for me.

(St. Ignatius of Loyola)

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