Seeking forgiveness

jesus forgives

"Sinners shall find in My Heart the source of infinite mercy."
(The 5th promise of the Sacred Heart) 

When you are seeking forgiveness, there is a need for both honesty and true sorrow.

If you are deeply troubled by your sins, Jesus wants you to come back to Him with all your heart. To despair of Christ's love would be a much greater sin.

You may wonder whether Jesus has forgiven you for something you have done or failed to do.

This is especially true when a person’s actions or inactions cause unexpected tragic consequences. Guilt can cause terrible mental suffering and can even destroy a person’s life.

You will miss many blessings when Jesus is not fully present in your life. If you have committed a serious sin, go to confession as soon as possible... strive to stay in the state of Sanctifying Grace.

If you have guilt in your heart... then go to Jesus and let Him wipe it away. Jesus will forgive any sin, if the person is sorry and will try to avoid sin.  

The Lord never tires of forgiving. It is we who tire of asking His forgiveness. (Pope Francis)

From early church times Christians have confessed their sins

Jesus, I come to you in faith.
I believe you suffered and died on the cross
so that I could be forgiven.

I ask to have a new life with God.
Come into my heart in a fresh new way.
I want to live forever with you in heaven.

I will follow you the best I can.
Thank you Jesus. Amen!

Catholics tell their sins to a priest in the confessional

Since God alone can forgive sin, Christ acts through the priest. There is no sin so great or so terrible that Jesus won't forgive.

Priests receive from Christ the power to forgive sins in His name (Matthew 16:18-20 and John 20:21-24).

The priest is bound by a most serious obligation not to tell anyone what was said in the confessional.

Every Catholic--including the pope, cardinals, bishops, priests, sisters, brothers and lay persons--is required by church law to go to Confession at  least once a year. It is a sin not to go.

Our loving God is always ready to forgive and forget our sins.
(Mother Theresa)

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